Are you are having trouble viewing an AEC objects because they were added to the drawing in a different version/platform of the Autodesk software here is what you can do to remove that AEC proxy intelligence so you can view the drawing file with all its objects.
There are two methods to do this:
1) In the program that created it (like Architecture), use the Export To AutoCAD command to save the drawing for others to view. This is the recommended method.
2) Within AutoCAD, Enter EXPORTTOAUTOCAD (for 2009 and later version) at the command line or AECTOACAD (for Autodesk software 2010 and newer.)
This will convert your drawing to a basic AutoCAD drawing by exploding the AEC objects
Note: this explodes those objects so they will become AutoCAD Lines/Arc/Circles/etc. In doing this they will lose their smart properties when brought back into Architecture.
AEC 객체에 대한 경고 메세지가 계속 떠서 짜증나던차에 자료 찾았어요. AEC 객체를 Cad 객체로 분해하여 저장하는 방법이 있군요.